2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案: Unit 5 Theme parks period 2 教案1
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案: Unit 5 Theme parks period 2 教案1第3页


1) 前缀 (prefix):

(1) dis-: disagree, dislike, disappear

(2) in- (il-, im-, ir-): incorrect, impossible, irregular,

(3) un-: unhappy, unable, unfit,

(4) non-: nonstop, nonverbal (非语言的)

(5) re-: rewrite, review

2) 后缀(suffix):

(1) 构成名词:-er, -ese, -ist, -ian, -ment, -tion, -ness, -th.

buyer, Chinese, socialist, musician, agreement, collection, illness, truth

(2) 构成形容词: -al, -an, -ful, -ing, -y, -less

   national, American, careful, exciting, cloudy, useless

(3) 构成动词: -fy, -is (z)e:

beautify, realize

(4) 构成副词: -ly:


(5) 构成数词: -teen, -ty, -th

thirteen, sixty, twelfth

Step III Conversion

Conversion: change the part of speech of a word.


(1) v.-n.: charge (v.)-charge (n.)

(2) n.-v.: hand (n.)-hand (v.)

(3) adj.-v.: clean (adj.)-clean (v.)

(4) adv.-v.: down (adv.)-down (v.)

Step IV Practice

I. 根据词形和词性,猜测下列合成词的意思。

1. crosswalk n. ________ 人行横道

2. forget-me-not n. ________ 勿忘我

3. Y-shaped adj. ________ Y形的