Step 3 consolidation
Activity 1: Play a game------Show your......(设计意图:这一活动能够刺激学生积极思考,考察了学生快速反应能力且能对新授单词进行很好的初步巩固)
T: I say show your.....,please put up your school things,and say this word together.OK?
Activity 2; Play another game-------What's missing?(设计意图:采用竞赛的教学方法,能充分调动学生的积极性,并很好地考察了学生的观察能力,并对单词做了更深层次的巩固)
T:Do you like games?
Ss:Yes. OK,Now Let's play another game. This time we'll have a PK between boys and girls .First let's sing a song to encourage ourselves.
T:Play the song ----We'll rock you. (设计意图:本句歌词,铿锵有力,能激起学生打败对方的斗志。)
Please look at these pictures carefully,and then tell us what's missing?The student who can get the right answer can get a star .
Step 4 Practice
1)Do Exercise 1a(设计意图:让学生对所学习的单词做到音,形,义全面掌握,为下一步的听力做好准备。)
2)Check the answers.
Step 5 Presentation
Activity1 Watch and answer
Watch a magic performance and answer my questions. (设计意图:有趣的魔术表演能够更大程度的吸引学生的注意力,从而顺理成章地呈现了新句型)
Activity 2 Practice with students(设计意图:师生练习,难度较小,能够大大增加学生的自信心。)
Activity 3 Students practice with their partners(设计意图:生生练习,使他们通过合作,交流练习 ,更好地巩固所授新句型,并大大增强了他们的团队合作精神。)
Step 6 Explain the usages of Possesive Pronouns
Activity1 Game:Memory Challenge
Have a PK between boys and girls again. (设计意图:再次展开竞争,既有利于巩固所学知识,又有利于活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的积极性。)