2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21Language Awareness教案设计(2页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21Language Awareness教案设计(2页word版)第2页

While reading

Learn some new words. Lead the activity To get students prepared for the reading. Task 2 Fill in the blanks.

How do you think Armstrong must have felt at these times:

Walk around and help. To read a situation and prepare to answer the questions. Post-reading

(Self-revising ) Retell the experience of Lance Armstrong. Walk and offer help if necessary. To review some modal verbs in the text. Grammar summary Task 3 - Task 6

Finish the grammar exercises. Give comments based on Ss' summary. To consolidate. Grammar practice Practice in the real situations. Listen and offer help if necessary. To consolidate. Speaking Task 7: Voice your opinion.

Walk and offer help if necessary. To consolidate. Homework:

• Write down your understanding of the saying.

• Finish the exercises on page 96.