2019学年度人教版选修七Unit Two Robots Period3 Grammar教案(9页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit Two Robots Period3  Grammar教案(9页word版)第2页

过去 was / were given was / were being given had been given 将来 shall / will be given ---------------------------------- shall / will have been given 过去将来 should / would be given ---------------------------------- should / would have been given We are not allowed to enter the chemistry lab without a teacher.

Plenty of jobs will be given to school-leavers.

English lessons are being broadcasted on the radio.

I have been told the sports meet might be put off.


  三. 被动语态的使用

  1. 当不知道或没有必要指出动作的执行者时, 常用被动语态, 这时往往不用by短语. 需要说出动作的执行者时就用by短语.

Mr. White, the cup with mixture was broken after class.

The window was broken by Paul.

2. 当汉语句子的主语既不是动作的执行者, 又不是动作的承受着, 常用"in + 名词"做状语, 来代替by短语.

These cars were made in China.

15,000 cars will be produced each year in the new factory.


  四. 被动语态的两种特殊结构

1. 含有情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词 + be + 及物动词的过去分词

Your composition must be handed in after class.

2. 动词不定式与逻辑主语之间是动宾关系时, 用不定式的被动形式:

1) 不定式的一般被动式结构: to + be + 动词的过去分词, 表示该被动动作与谓语的动作同时发生或在其后发生.

She asked to be treated equally.

The radio needs to be repaired.

2) 不定式的完成被动式结构: to have + been +动词的