2019届高考英语外研版选修七精准剖析学案: Module2 Highlights of My Senior Year
2019届高考英语外研版选修七精准剖析学案: Module2 Highlights of My Senior Year第2页



  1.-Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better.


  A.It's up to you.      B.Thank goodness!

  C.Let's get going. D.I'm with you on that.

  2. I can't say a thank­you________ much .I couldn't have succeeded without your help.

  A.too B.quite

  C.that D.very

  3. Our football team will compete against the Japanese team this evening .Let's go and________ them________,shall we?

  A.cheer;up B.join;in

  C.add;up D.pick;up

  4. You are sure to know the result,but that's ________everybody has finished their work.

  A.when B.why

  C.before D.until

  5. ________some teenagers don't realize is ________difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs.

  A.That;how B.Which;what a

  C.What;what D.What;how

  6.I'm considering ________a teacher after graduation because a teacher is often considered ________the engineer of human souls.

  A.to become;to be B.to become;being

  C.becoming;being D.becoming;to be

  7.-How far apart do they live?

  -________I know,they live in the same neighborhood.

  A.As long as B.As far as

  C.As well as D.As often as

  8.-What do you know about Darwin after he returned from the trip by sea?

  -Well,he got married and ________down to live in Kent.

  A.got B.worked

  C.took D.settled

  9.I thought Peter would have helped you .________is a great pity that he should be so selfish.

  A.Which B.It

C.What D.As