2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit 20 Section Ⅷ Grammar学案设计(14页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit 20  Section Ⅷ  Grammar学案设计(14页word版)第5页

  o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

  10.On next Friday, I will have_finished (finish) the job.


  1.I will_be_attending_a_conference (在参加一个会议) at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

  2.Before long he will_have_forgotten_all (就会全然忘记) about the matter.

  3.The weather report says that it will_be_raining_when_we_arrive_in_London (我们到达伦敦时将会下雨).

  4.I'll go and see the exhibition as_soon_as_I_have_finished_my_homework (我一做完作业).

  5.I hope you will_have_learned_all_the_French_words (学会所有的法语单词) before you go abroad next month.






  ①They are amongst the scores of castles in the area.

  ②Three restaurants hold the famous Michelin star, which is really quite surprising when you think that there are only several of them in the whole country.

  ③I have something important to consult you.

  ④There are plenty of good hotels and restaurants in Ludlow and their food has an excellent reputation.

  ⑤As the well­known local historian, David Lloyd, has said, "there are few towns like ours in Britain with such fine architecture."

  ⑥These are just some of the things that make Ludlow a very special town.

  ⑦There are also plenty of things to do for those who like the outdoors.

  ⑧You will find yourself in Broad Street with its impressive 18th century houses.

⑨If you have children, drop in to The Secret Hills Discovery Centre in Craven