2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21 Communication Workshop 教案设计(2页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21 Communication Workshop 教案设计(2页word版)第2页

Stage 5-

Discussion --Talk about the case --Voice their own opinions


(Group Work; T-S) --To have a further

understanding of the text

Stage 6----


-introduce the writing guide

--linking words exercise


-Write an outline

--Complete the writing

(T-S, Group Work) - To enable the Ss to finish the rough draft skillfully

---Speak and check

(Pair Work) --To help Ss be aware of the order arrangement in

writing Optional

Should smoking be banned ?

* introduce the topic

* introduce the ourline Write

Offer An easier topic for the students to write Homework : ①Finish Exercise 1,2 on page 88

      ②Double-check your essay