免费下载《Module4 Unit1 Do you want some rice》教案教学设计
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 过程与方法 根据语言习得规律和低年级小学生的心理特点和认知规律,本课首先通过复习上个模块的知识,以旧带新。以歌曲的形式激发学生学习的热情。再整体出示挂图让学生整体感受课文通过看图来呈现重点句型"What are they doing?".接着以图片和游戏巩固句型的同时引出新的单词,在情景中学单词,学句型最后进行游戏操练。 情感、态度、价值 1.培养学生学习英语的兴趣,积极参与。


3. 学会观察日常生活中的点滴。懂得描述一个群体正在干什么。

教学重点、难点 重点:

(1)学习并掌握单词学词语 Chinese fast food chopsticks difficult

(2)句型:Do you want some...? 并能做出回答Yes, please./

No, thank you.

教学方法 TPR、情境创设法、分组练习法、听力练习法 教学准备 录音机,磁带,挂图,单词卡片,食物卡片等 教学过程 Step 1: Warming up(热身活动)

歌曲导入:I like apple


T:I like apples and I like rice. Do you like apples? Do you like rice and noodles?

T: Look, here is some food, please read them out as quickly as you can. (出示单词图片)

Step 2: Presentation(呈现活动)


T:I like apples but my favorite food are rice and noodles. They are fast food. (出示单词卡片)

T:Rice and noodles are fast food, and they are Chinese fast food.( 出示Chinese)

T: I like rice and I like noodles too. I want to eat some noodles. But I need chopsticks( 出示单词卡片) Look, these are chopsticks.(出示实物) emm noodles are nice.(假装弄丢筷子)

T:Oh, my chopsticks, they are difficult.(出示单词卡片)


T; you are so great. Now look at me guess what am I am doing?


T; I am making noodles. ( 出示短语)

T: Look, I have made lots of food, Guess what food do I have, you can ask me like that "Have you got some apples?" Clear? (教师拿着食物的盘子问)

S: Have you got some rice?

T: Yes, I have.

S: Have you got some ...?

T: Yes, I have. /No, I haven't.

T: I have. Do you want some...? (出示句子)Do you want some...?

S:Yes, please./No, thank you. (引导学生说出)


T:Look, I have no food. I want to eat some food. I am hungry; give me some food, please?

S: Do you want some...? (引导学生说出句子)


Step3: Practice (操练活动)

T:I am full now. You did a good job. Let's play a game. Now pass the rice from this student to the next student. We clap and say together "Do you want some rice?" when I say stop, you stop passing, let's ask the student with rice, "Do you want some rice?" Clear? Ok, let's go.

下一个环节:Practice with your partner, one ask and the other answer.

Step4: Learn the text(进入课文)

T:I am full now, but Amy and Daming are hungry. Let's go and have a look, what food do they want to eat. Listen to the tape, the first time just listen. The second time listen to the tape and answer the questions:

(1) Does Amy want some rice?

(2) What food does Amy want to eat?

(3) Are chopsticks difficult for Amy?

T: This time read after the tape.