

  If you saw another kid ride her bike too fast around a corner and fall down, you might ride your bike more slowly on that turn. Yes, we humans are very sensitive to others' mistakes. And the same is true for other animals. Animals mess up all the time. They might eat poisonous leaves, fall off a tree or let their prey (猎物) escape. By watching others fail, an animal can avoid making the same mistakes, thus improving its chance of survival.

  Scientists believe that one part of the brain helps animals process information about others' mistakes. Cells (细胞) in that part appear to become more active when a person sees someone else making a mistake. But researchers didn't know whether individual cells in this part of the brain play different roles in discovering mistakes.

  To investigate (调查) the brain's response (反应) to mistakes in more detail, the researchers taught a game to two macaques, a type of monkey. One monkey could press a yellow or green button while the other watched. If the first monkey pressed the right button, the team gave both animals a treat. Every couple of rounds, the two monkeys switched roles. Meanwhile, the scientists watched individual cells in the animal's brains.

  When the first monkey messed up the game by pressing the wrong button, a group of cells in the second monkey's brain fired. But if the second monkey also made the wrong choice during its turn, some of the cells in that group didn't respond. Those unresponsive cells reacted specifically to mistakes made by others, not to the monkey's own mistakes.

  Scientists believe other parts of the brain also might help people process information about another's mistakes."You start to think about this other person and see things from his angle."Ellen de Brujin, told Science News. She studies the brain at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands.

  5.According to Paragraph 1, animals' ability to learn from others' mistakes________.

  A.helps them to survive better

  B.used to be ignored by humans

  C.is being lost because of humans

  D.ensures that they will never fail

  6.From the game the scientists taught to two macaques, we can see ________.

  A.animals can avoid the same mistakes

  B.which part of the brain is more active

  C.how the brain processes information

  D.how the brain responds to mistakes

  7.In the experiment mentioned, those unresponsive cells are only sensitive to ________.

  A.the same buttons

  B.the monkey's brain

  C.others' mistakes

  D.one's own mistakes


  TOURNAMENT OF ROSES - 5 Days Los Angeles

  Day 1 Los Angeles. (Sun. Dec. 30)

  Welcome to Los Angeles! This evening mixes with your traveling friends at the welcome reception.

  Day 2 Los Angeles. (Mon. Dec. 31)

  Head to Pasadena for the always colorful ROSE BOWL FAMILY FESTIVAL and watch the floats (彩车)decorated with tens of thousands of flowers. This afternoon, you can take the included visit to the GETTY MUSEUM. This evening, join your travelling friends at a special New Year's Eve DINNER AND DANCE GALA (盛会), complete with hats, party favors and live music. You'll toast the New Year a little early tonight to consider an early morning departure (离开) to the Rose Parade.

Day 3 Los Angeles. Tournament of Roses Parade (Tue. Jan.1)