2011届高考英语一轮复习精品学案:Unit 5 The British Isles(新人教)
2011届高考英语一轮复习精品学案:Unit 5 The British Isles(新人教)第3页

judge vt. 审判;审理;裁决;裁判

judge from/by. 评论;评判;判断

judge n. 专家; 法官; 鉴定人;鉴赏家

judging from 根据......判断

judg(e)ment n. 判断

(1)He said it was the hardest case he had ever had to _________


(2)Don't ___________(判断)people by appearances.

(3)It's difficult to ________(判断)how long the project will take.

(4)You're a good ________(鉴定者)of character----what do you

think of him?





(5)____________________________(从他所说的话来判断), his

work is going well.


(写作小练笔:主谓宾+to do;teacher)


考点5. own vt. 拥有adj. 自己的

He owns a production company with a long-time friend.

Her husband owns the garage.


own adj. 自己的

one's own; of one's own 某人自己的

own vt. 拥有

on one's own =by oneself 独自;靠自己

(1)The two countries had a territorial argument over which one


(2)We don't own the video. We just rent it.(替换)_____________

Judging from what he said

I judged him to be an English teacher.

owned the island


(3)Although her father is in the firm she got the job ___________


(4)许多老年人独立生活。(写作小练笔:主谓+介词;older people)
