2018-2019学年北师大版高二英语必修5学案: Unit 15 Learning Section Ⅲ Reading(Ⅱ) ( Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)
2018-2019学年北师大版高二英语必修5学案: Unit 15 Learning Section Ⅲ Reading(Ⅱ) ( Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)第3页

C.who had only one successful student

D.who paid no attention to the status of education

5.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem in the passage?

A.There is lack of money.

B.There are too many students in one class.

C.There are not enough teachers.

D.Science education has not been paid enough attention to.

【答案】 1-5 BDCAC

第三步 精读--能力升华 接轨高考


  Graham Lawrence,a science author 1.who gives presentations on TV,went to Overton School,from 1981 to 1989.He wasn't very good at most school subjects. But when he went into Mr Jenkins' class,he 2.became(become) interested in a subject for the first time. Before Mr Jenkins' class,science had 3.simply(simple) been a subject full of strange words to him. But Mr Jenkins made everything 4.interesting(interest).

  He used to explain things with lots of practical examples and simplified things 5.that seemed difficult. Graham knew that he wasn't a willing student and he shouldn't have been so difficult at school,but it was probably 6.because he lacked confidence in himself. Mr Jenkins made 7.him feel that he could do things. Just as Mr Jenkins said Graham was very difficult at first. But when he got interested,he changed. He loved science! He was very bright and should have done much 8.better(good) in all his other subjects. Mr Jenkins finds it's difficult 9.to teach(teach) nowadays. There are lots of problems but not enough money. The government should have spend more money 10.on science education. So he wishes they would decrease the size of classes!