2019-2020学年度人教版必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom Period 5Using language教案(22页word版)
2019-2020学年度人教版必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom Period 5Using language教案(22页word版)第3页

  Learn to find reasons for their choices.

  Emotional Aims

  Learn to cooperate with others.

  Learn to support justice.

  Learn to feel sympathy for the weak.

  Teaching Procedure

  Step 1 Greetings

  Teacher greets the students as usual.

  Step 2 Revision

  T: In the last period, we learned the past participle used as the object complement. Can you tell me the basic structure?

  S: have/get/find/see/feel/notice/hear/etc +object +past participle 

  T: You are right. So let's first check your homework on Page 51.I will ask one of you to read the passage.

  (One student reads the passage.)

  (Teacher corrects the mistakes if there are any.)

  T: We also compared the present participle and the past participle. Can you tell me the differences between them?

  S: They are different when they are used as the attributive, object complement, predicate and adverbial.

T: Yes. I also gave you some sentences to finish. Now let's check your answers.