【超级思维】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修五教案Module 5 The Great Sports Personality课时3
【超级思维】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修五教案Module 5 The Great Sports Personality课时3第2页





  1.score n.得分;二十 vt.得分;记分; 获胜

  Yao Ming scored before the first minute had passed.(教材P44)还不到一分钟姚明就得分了。

  I recorded the score in a notebook.


  The home team has yet to score.主队还没有得分.

  He scored 100 on the test.他考试得了100分。



  make/have a score of得......分

  scores of许多;大量;几十个

  two score (of) eggs四十个鸡蛋

  keep (the) score记分

  in scores很多地,大批地

  score one goal 进了一球



  There were three score of visitors waiting outside.


  Scores of sailors were killed in the Thailand.


  People came in scores.人们成群结队而来。



score (20) 修饰名词时,习惯与of连用two score of eggs scores of 许多 前有数字时,单复数同形 dozen (12) dozen后跟名词时大多不加of而当形容词用。two dozen eggs dozens of许多,表示概数