原创《Module7 Unit2 This little girl can't walk》教学设计
原创《Module7 Unit2 This little girl can't walk》教学设计第2页


Step1 Warming up:

1. Greetings.

2. Sing a song:I can't do it.


3. 出示Module7 Unit1的三张图片:

Look, the man is blind, he can't see.

Who can help him?

The dogs can help him. The dogs are useful.


Step 2 Presentation

1. 出示图片,引出课题。

T: Can the child walk?

Ss: No,she can't. (师面对全体学生,同时引导学生回答.)

T: Yes.she can't walk. Today, let's learn lesson Unit 2 This little girl can't walk.. (板书并带读这个新句型)

T: Who can help her everyday?

Open your book, and look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? Can the girl walk? No, she can't. Who can help her? Her father helps her