八下英语Unit2 I'll help to clean up the city parks教案17
八下英语Unit2 I'll help to clean up the city parks教案17第2页

㈡ Pairwork , 把短语动词与名词相搭配,然后用这些短语造句,完成1b。

㈢ 讨论并回答问题:

 1. What will you do if your bike is broken or old?

2. Can you repair it by yourself? / Do you have your bike repaired?

㈣ 听一听,填一填,选一选,完成 1c 和 1d.

㈤ 用1c和1d.中的信息,分角色表演吉米与记者之间的对话,完成1e。


1. I take after my mother.

导学1. take after 指的是"(在外貌性格方面)与......像",不管是名词还是代词只能放在其后。look like"长得像,看起来像",(只指外表)。be like既指性格像也可指外表像。

eg. His son really ____. A. take after him B. take him after C. takes after him D. takes him after

2. I've run out of it.

导学2. run out of 意为"用完,用尽"= use up

 eg. The woman has run out of all her money, she is poor now.

A. used up B. mixed up C. run off D. run away

3. I give it away.

导学3. give away 表示"捐赠",如果宾语是代词,必须把代词放在中间,give it/them away.