外研版(一起点)五年级下 Module 2 Unit 2Lunch is usually at half past twelve.
外研版(一起点)五年级下 Module 2 Unit 2Lunch is usually at half past twelve.第4页

1、 Greeting

2、 Free talk

1) T: Today is Women's Day!

Did you give your mother a present?

OK. I've got a present for Women's Day! Look and guess: What it is ?

It's a clock.

Now, look and tell me:

What's the time ?

What's the time ?


I have breakfast at 8 o'clock.

What time do you have breakfast?

I have milk and eggs for breakfast.

What do you have for breakfast?

You have breakfast at 8 o'clock. You have breakfast at 8 o'clock. And I have breakfast at 8 o'clock.

In China , we have breakfast at 8 o'clock. Right?

Do you know:

What time do English people have breakfast?

Let's see.

Open your book please.

Turn to page 8.

Give you 3 minutes to read the text and try to answer these questions.

2) Do an exercise.

Have a big family dinner China( )

England( ) Have a birthday party China( )

England( ) Sing birthday songs China( )

England( ) Eat noodles and eggs China( )

England( ) Eat birthday cake China( )

England( ) Have presents and say: happy birthday China( )

England( ) (课件设计说明:将练习以表格的形式打出,降低学习要求。) 1、 Talk about the task

T: Today is Daming's birthday. He has got a lot of presents. The problem is he doesn't know where they are. So, today we'll help Daming to find out his presents.l


2、Learn the new words

1)T: Can you help me to find out these things? Where is my doll/ cat/ pen/ kite?

T: Where is my English book? Is it in the black bag?

Learn the word: on

A)( show the word card) on在...之上

B) dog, hot, song, doll, on, try to find out here "o" pronounce [ ] and try to pronounce the word: box

Make some words: on the...

Use the same way to learn: under

2) say the words and do the action

a)learn to say and do the action

b)T: say Ss do the action

c) S1 say Ss/T do the action


T: so look, it means in, it means on, what about under? Who can draw it?

▲ In on under

3、Play the games

1) Look and say

T: Where is the...?

(课件设计说明:1、用动画的形式将物品一件一件叠上去,并用箭号表示提问的物品,同时有句子模型:It's on the...帮助学生回答;2、用动画的形式将前一页出示的物品一件一件拿掉,并用箭号表示提问的物品,同时句子模型: It's under the...)

Look at the picture and learn the word "box" again

2) Play a memory game

a) easy :

T: (引导学生说) The monkey is in/ on/ under the box.


T: No.1 is...

b) hard:

1、熊猫在帽子里 2、铅笔在桌子上 3、苹果在椅子下 4、风筝在窗户上 5、狗在桌子下 6、熊猫在帽子上 7、熊猫在帽子下 8、猴子在盒子下 9、Amy在房间里 T: The ... is ... the...

(课件设计说明:将九副图以表格的形式呈现,并有提示句子:The... is... the...)

T: (当课件箭号指到第九副图时,引导学生回答)Where is Amy? Is she in a the classroom? (show the picture) Oh, she is in the bedroom.

Learn the new word: bedroom

Practice in pairs and then try to say.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4、Learn to say the text

1)T: You've got a good memory. I think you can answer this question easily. Now listen to the tape-record and answer: where is the present?

2) answer the question

It's in the box. T F It's on the desk. T F It's under the chair. T F It's in the bedroom. T F 3)Listen and repeat then answer the second question: What is the present?



1)T: Daming's got many presents. But he doesn't know where they are? Let's help him to find out them. Look at the picture, practice in pairs and say.

Act it out.


2)T: We are all Daming's friends. So every one can give a present to Daming. This is Daming's bedroom, please put your present in the bedroom, and write on a piece of paper to tell Daming where the presents are. 每个小组都有一张Daimg的卧室平面图和几件小礼物的图片,请在小组讨论后将图片贴在平面图的相应位置,并写一张小纸条给大明告诉大明礼物的位置。

(课件设计说明:有大明卧室的平面图,句子: The toy car is ____ the desk.

The book is ______ the chair.

The ______ is _______ the box.

The_______is _______ the ______.


Practice in pairs and act it out.


★3) Miss Chen'll give a present to Daming, too. It's in our classroom. Can you guess: where is it?引导学生回答It's( The present is) on/ in/ under the...(此环节为机动部分,有时间可完成)