2017-2018学年人教版 必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics-using language教案
2017-2018学年人教版 必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics-using language教案第3页



1-12. H E I G B J C L K F A D


巩固题(B组题)Finish the reading task on textbook ( page 43)



赞同原因 反对原因 你的观点 1. 人人都有长处和不足,成绩差的学生也有可取之处;

2. 让成绩差的学生获得自信;

3. 相互学习,加深友谊。 1. 部分成绩差的学生常常违反校规校纪,担心自己会受影响,养成坏习惯;

2. 一些成绩差的学生很难相处;

3. 老是问问题,使自己不能专心学习。 ? 注意:1. 词数:120左右(信的格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数);

2. 短文须包括表中所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:成绩差的学生slower students

Dear Mr. Li,

We have held a heated discussion about whether it is good or not for an excellent student to share a desk with a slower student. Opinions are divided.



Li Ping



Dear Mr. Li,

We have held a heated discussion about whether it is good or not for an excellent student to share a desk with a slower student. Opinions are divided.

Some are for the idea. Everyone has his own strengths as well as weaknesses. Although slower students are not good at lessons, they might do well in other fields. In addition, only by helping them with their lessons will