2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21 Human Biology Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop, Language Awareness学案设计(4页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21 Human Biology Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop, Language Awareness学案设计(4页word版)第3页

-Not very well. The market for these products     fast due to the financial crisis.

A. was declined B. was declining

C.is declined D.is declining

提示:句意: -最近生意如何?-不太好。由于 金融危机,这些产品的市场在迅速减少。根据上文"How are you getting along with your business?"可知,这里应该用现在时态,"市场"和"减少"为主谓关系,故选D项。


8.On his way to school, he was    .

A. robbed of his money

B. stolen from his money

C. robbed from his money

D. stolen of his money

提示:句意:在去学校的路上,他的钱被抢(或偷)了。rob sb. of the money"抢某人的钱";steal"偷",其宾语不能直接是人,所以选A项。



Your skin is your personal treasure. Even after skin whitening treatment your skin still needs to be treated carefully. While caring for your skin in the best possible way, you must understand what things are OK to do and what things will actually make skin bad.

Firstly, the most important thing for protecting your skin is to develop healthy habits. For example, wash your face twice a day(no more) with warm water, and avoid touching your face with your fingers or leaning your face on objects that collect sebum(皮脂) and skin residue(残渣) like your phone. Besides, your diet has a direct impact on the health of your skin. Make sure you eat a proper amount of food items that contain proteins and nutrients(营养物) necessary for cell maintenance, repair and regeneration.

Secondly, avoid exposing your skin to the sun. Any kind of exposure to the sun can damage your skin, and whitening treatment would be useless. To protect it, stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the rays of the sun are at their strongest. And remember that clouds do not block the rays. If you wear glasses or sunglasses, clean them frequently.

Then, make sure that your skin does not get dry. Maybe you can choose moisturizer(保湿霜) but it is actually true that you should drink at least eight glasses of fresh and pure water every day. This will help the skin during the healing process, and will make it recover more quickly.

The next point is especially important for people who have gone through the chemical peeling(皮肤脱落) procedure. The skin needs to fall off by itself without any encouragement from you.

Finally, the treatment that you may go through may need you to do extra steps to ensure the best results. Do not ignore these instructions, and for your skin to look the best, I suggest you follow them exactly as they are explained.