七上英语《Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball》教学设计教案4
七上英语《Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball》教学设计教案4第3页



1 Guessing game:

快速抢答 T: Let's play a guessing game.

What's this?

S1: Basketball.

T: How about this one?

S2: Volleyball.


2 Practice a short dialogue:复习使用第一人称询问对方是否拥有某种物品 S1: Do you have a ...?

S2: Yes, I do.

S1: Where is the...?

S2: It's...

S1: Do you have a ...?

S2: No, I don't.


3 Practice the second dialogue:复习使用第三人称询问他人是否拥有某种物品 S1: Does she/he have a...?

S2: Yes, she/he does.

S1: Where is the...?

S2: It's...

S1: Does she/he have a...?

S2: No, she/he doesn't.


4 My bedroom:个人口头汇报活动1 S: I want to say something about my bedroom. I have a bag. It's on the bed. I have three books. They are on the desk... 通过学生活动及汇报小组准备结果,鼓励学生积极运用所学语言材料。

5 My friend's bedroom.个人口头汇报活动2 S: I want to say something about my friend's bedroom. He has a bag. It's on the bed. He has three books. They are on the desk.... 利用课件展示的情景描述第三人称单数的物品所属关系,强化第三人称单数的用法。 步


听力练习 将课本P29的3a作为听力材料,训练学生快速记忆与复述的能力 通过听力练习向学生输入更多的与本课基本句型相关的语言材料。

7 作业:写一篇短文,描述自己的同桌都有哪些学习用品,并且说明他们在什么地方

