2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计:Unit 1 Section Ⅱ Welcome to the unit & Reading—Language points
2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计:Unit 1 Section Ⅱ Welcome to the unit & Reading—Language points第3页

  regulation.If we observe someone run a red light,we should stop him.


   glance vi.& n.瞥一眼,匆匆看

  (教材P2)While the rest of the passengers were getting out,she glanced at the faces around her.



  (1)glance at       看一下;浏览

  glance over/through 浏览

  (2)at a glance 看一眼就......

  at first glance 乍一看

  give/take a glance (at) (朝......)一瞥


  ①He glanced over my report and said that it was seemed to be all right.他粗略地看了我的报告,说这报告似乎可行。

  ②(朗文辞典)At first glance,the place seemed deserted.乍一看,这地方似乎空无一人。

  [明辨异同] glance at/stare at/glare at

glance at "瞥,扫视,浏览",指匆匆忙忙地看一眼。 stare at "盯着,凝视",指目光长时间地对着一个物体或人。 glare at "怒视,瞪着",指人生气地看。    glance at, stare at,glare at

  ③The girl________the people around and found a man________her. She became so angry that she______him for a warning.【导学号:18452000】

  【答案】 ③glanced at; staring at; glared at

in sight 看得到,在视力范围之内