免费下载《Module7 Unit1 I don't believe it》教案教学设计
免费下载《Module7 Unit1 I don't believe it》教案教学设计第3页

在整个学习过程中,师用鼓励语言Fantastic!You're fantastic贯穿整堂课!

3.Listen and watch, answer a question: (观看课文动画第三、四段)

Question: Do snakes like music?Why?

No, they don't.Because snakes can't hear.(卡片板书句子It says snakes can't hear.)

T:The snake thinks the flute is another snake.

So it copies the other snake. (卡片板书句子:It copies the other snake.)

4. Listen , follow and imitate.

5. Read in groups.


6. Performance.



StepⅣ. Practise and consolidation

1、Have a test (Describe the facts:) (PPT)

Pandas love ______. They eat for ____ ____ a day. They are ____pandas.

Snakes can't ____.The snake ___ the flute is another snake. So it ____ the other snake.

2、Know more about pandas.


Pandas are black and white. They're fat and they're shy. They live in Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu.

Pandas can climb trees and they climbs trees very fast.

They love bamboo. They eat for twelve hours a day. They're lucky pandas.

They're very cute. They can swim. Do you believe it? It's true.


3. Practise and extension

Look at the pictures and describe animals facts. (看图,描述动物习性。)

T: Look at the animals . Can you say sth. about them? Let's talk in groups.

(PPT 呈现图片)

大象戏水 Elephants like water.

猴子吃香蕉 Monkeys like banabas.

猫吃鱼 Cats like fish.

狮子吃肉 Lions like meat.

熊冬眠 Bears sleep in the winter.

熊猫爬树 Pandas climb trees very fast.

StepⅤ.Activity: 情景创设

Talk about animals facts.

T: Do you like the zoo? Let's design your own zoo.


You are a guide. Show them to visit your zoo, please.

     This is our zoo.

Welcome to zoo.

There are in the zoo.

Look! They're pandas.They live in China.

They love bamboo.

They eat for twelve hours a day....

Do you like the zoo?