【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案: Unit3 Tomorrow‘s world Word power教学设计
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案: Unit3 Tomorrow‘s world Word power教学设计第3页

1. Ask students to do the exercise on page 46 individually.


(1) developmemt (2) popularity (3) failure (4) connection

(5) improvements (6) presentation (7) achievement (8) admiration


Step 4 Words related to computers

1. Ask students to read carefully the picture on page 47 and ask students to answer the following questions:(PPT page 13,鼠标点击,显示问题,图像书上有,不再附加)

(1) Can you name the different parts of the computer?

(2) Can you describe their functions?


Part Function floppy disc a flat piece of plastic for storing information USB disc a portable, pocket-sized disk that can store a lot more information than a floppy disk CD-ROM/DVD-ROM a CD or a DVD on which large amounts of information, sound and pictures can be stored keyboard a set of keys for typing printer a machine that puts the words and pictures onto paper mouse a small device moved by hand to move the cursor on a computer screen mouse mat a small square of plastic that is the best kind of surface on which to use a computer mouse hard drive a disk that can store more information than a floppy or USB disk monitor/LCD Monitor a screen that shows information from a computer screen/LCD screen a part where you see the words and pictures speaker a part of the computer where the sound comes out 2. Ask students to read the instructions and complete the exercises on page 47.


(1) keyboard (2) mouse (3) data (4) floppy disks

(5) CD-ROMs (6) CPU (7) connect (8) e-mails

(9) information (10) Web


Step 5 Summary(PPT page 12,鼠标点击,逐条显示)

Make a summary about what have been learned in this period.