说明:1. 本页词汇按在第12版《新高中英语词汇》中的页码排序;
2. 带*词为课标外词汇。
album P18
anger P23
appearance P28
audience P38
award P40
base P43
beauty P46
combine P91
creative P113
disappoint P134
effect P147
extraordinary P167
extremely P167
female P176
folk P185
general P196
generation P197
identity P230
*immigrant P232
impress P233
instrument P238
male P269
mask P272
musician P288
noble P294
ordinary P309
performance P321
perform P321
performer P322
permission P322
pianist P324
powerful P334
quit P351
reaction P355
*realistic P356
represent P366
*responsible P368
root P373
shave P392
skip P400
system P430
talent P433
throughout P444
transform P452
treasure P453
type P458
unique P461
worldwide P490
back and forth P41
at times P446
be used to P465
in other words P489