2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修3教案: Unit2 Period 7 Reading task (Workbook), Speaking task
2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修3教案: Unit2 Period 7 Reading task (Workbook), Speaking task第2页

I'm not sure about that!

(I'm afraid) I don't agree.

That's an interesting idea, but ...

Rubbish! / Nonsense!

Actually, / As a matter of fact, I think ... You could be right, but ...

I agree up to a point, but ...

Do you really think ...?

You can't be serious!

That's not how I see it.

2. Choose five Ss from each group and ask them to debate. Decide which group win the debate and praise them.

Step 4. Writing task (Workbook)

1. Ask Ss to discuss the following question.

(1) If the old local restaurant has gone, what should be built instead of a McDonald's restaurant?

(2) What is your design of the new building?

(1) What are the advantages of the new building?

2. Ask Ss to draw a plan in the following order.

(1) describe the new design → (2) draw a plan → (3) explain the advantages of your idea

3. Ask Ss to show their plan to their partners and see whose plan is the best.

Step 5. Homework

1. Ask Ss to write down the plan they got in Writing task on their notebooks.

2. Ask Ss to review what has been learned in this unit.