2019届高考英语外研版选修七精准剖析学案:Module 5 Ethnic Culture Word版含答案
2019届高考英语外研版选修七精准剖析学案:Module 5 Ethnic Culture Word版含答案第1页



  1.in__use 在使用

  2.set__off 出发,动身

  3.think__over 仔细考虑

  4.come__across (偶然)遇见

  5.put__sb.up 留宿某人

  6.adjust__to 适应,调整

  7.have__a__population__of 有......人口

  8.in__the__distance 在远处


  1.The town has__a__population__of ten thousand and 80% of the population are peasants.

  2.I came__across my university professor in the supermarket near my house,which was out of my expectation.

  3.(2018·攀枝花模拟) Seriously damaged by the heavy floods this summer, the bridge is no longer in__use.

  4.She tried her best to adjust__to the life there,but failed to make any difference.

  5.You can't imagine how excited I was when I saw the ancient tower in__the__distance.



  ①fasten         系牢

  ②strengthen 加强

  ③sharpen 削尖

  ④weaken 变弱

  ⑤widen 变宽

⑥broaden 加宽