25.specialist:['speʃəlist] 专家[(+in)] 拆解: special()+ist
将来完成时The specialist will have updated the database by the end of this week
26.source 根源;来源[(+of)] 相似source ( )
27.souvenir:['su:vəniə] 纪念品,纪念物
They are permitted to tell the sources of the souvenir
29.melon :['melən] ,甜瓜
30.walnut ['wɔ:lnət] 胡桃;胡桃树
The melon and the walnut are not the same category
31.programmer :['prəugræmə]电脑程序设计师
33. participant:[pɑ:'tisipənt] 关系者;参与者
现在完成进行时The programmer as well as the instructor has been assisting the participants
34. official:[ə'fiʃəl] 官员,公务员
现在完成进行时The official has been getting along very well with his colleagues
36.exit:['eksit] 出口,通道;太平门
One exit from the theater has been disconnected
37.dilemma:[di'lemə] 困境,进退两难
38. settler:['setlə] 移居者;殖民者;开拓者
The settlers will have been in a dilemma if they continue like this
The chairman was quite familiar with the procedure for a meeting.
40. organ
He will donate his organ after his death
42.phenomenon:[fi'nɔminən] 现象拆解:phe+no+men+on
将来完成时The phenomenon will have been hidden in the mist at dawn
44.outcome:['autkʌm] 结果;结局;后果拆解:out +come
45.exploration:[,eksplɔ:'reiʃən]勘查;探测;探索拆解:explore +ation
The navy was satisfied with the outcome of exploration
46.circuit:['sə:kit] 电路;回路一圈
It takes less than a year for Mars to make a circuit of the sun
47.microwave 记忆法:micro( )+wave ( )
48.microscope记忆法:micro( )+scope( )
49.telescope记忆法:tele( )+scope( )