2019届译林版高考英语选修八课堂讲义:Unit 1 Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing Word版含答案
2019届译林版高考英语选修八课堂讲义:Unit 1 Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing Word版含答案第2页

  I won't go to the party unless I'm invited.




  ①(2016·江苏高考改编)He did not compromise easily, but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause.(not/no)

  ②(重庆高考改编)A smile costs nothing,_but gives much.(nothing/something)

  ③(江西高考改编)My brother would like to buy a good watch but none was available from that shop.(nothing/none)








  (3)(2014·天津高考)-OK, I'll fix your computer right now.

  -Oh, take your time. ________.

  A.I can't stand it      B.I'm in no hurry

  C.That's a great idea D.It's not my cup of tea

  解析:选B 句意:"好,我将立刻给你修电脑。""噢,慢慢来。我不急。" I can't stand it."我忍受不了它。";I'm in no hurry."我不急。";That's a great idea."那是个好主意。";It's not my cup of tea."那不是我喜欢的东西。"对话中的关键词语right now (立刻) 和take your time (慢慢来) 构成对比,故空格处应为"我不急(I'm in no hurry)"。

  2.可以用hardly, scarcely, seldom, little, few等半否定词来表达否定之意。

  Now she hardly had strength to open the carriage door.


  Unfortunately, very few people have played in this space.




  ①I had hardly closed my eyes when I remembered I hadn't done my maths homework.

  ②I have few friends in the new school.

  ③Mr.Smith seldom goes back to his hometown.

④I have only a little money left.