外研版英语教研课《Module1 Unit1 I'm Sam》教学设计教案
外研版英语教研课《Module1 Unit1 I'm Sam》教学设计教案第5页

  Ss: Lingling.

  T: His name?

  Ss: Daming.

  T: Fantastic. Following we'll study and play with them for this whole term. Please remember them and make good friends with them. Next open your English books and read the text together. (学生看图像并跟读,强调指读)

  T: Please practice for a while.

  S: ( 学生自己练习指读)

  T: At last who can introduce yourself in English as much as you can.

  S: ( 展示自我介绍)

  Step Five: Sum up and homework.

T: Today we learnt how to greet and introduce. You all did a good job. Please introduce yourself into the mirror at home. And read the text five times. It's time to say goodbye. Let's sing a song and say goodbye with each other. ( 最后唱再见歌结束)