[设计意图]:通过打招呼,认识一个小男孩做朋友,领到台前目的是由他引出his,通过他做模特依次引出他的身体五个部位head/ arm/hand /leg/foot及句子This is his head。利用听听、说说、猜猜,比比,做做的任务形式进行生词的导入,不但能牢牢地吸引学生的注意力,满足他们好动的心理特点,吸引学生积极主动参与学习。本环节主要学习生词及初步练句型。
Step 3 chant
1、I find you're nervous, I'm nervous too. So let's sing a chant to make us relax. Follow me, please.
Head head, his head
Arm arm, his arm
Hand hand, his hand
Leg leg, his leg
Foot foot, his foot
将全班分成四个组,师读一句指定一组跟读,Head head, his head
然后拿出做好的head 图片,询问这一组是否同意为head 小组。
为 head /hand/ leg/ foot 四个小组之间展开竞争。
2、T: Now, there are four groups in our class ,we'll have match.
If you are the winner, you can get some sticks. come on.
T: Xxx is my friend, I have another friend, guess.课件呈现蜡笔小新图片,全班都会大声喊出蜡笔小新。师指小新各部位,让生说单词。师示范句子,让生来边指边说。同时给予小组奖励。让3位同学来展示。