2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修5Unit15学案Learning to Learn
2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修5Unit15学案Learning to Learn第2页

  The first step in learning to manage your time-controlling your own life-is to identify what your goals are and then to establish priorities to help you reach them.

  Analyze how you are using your time. If you aren't spending time on your priorities, you must make the necessary adjustments or you won't reach your goals. If school, learning, and good grades are a priority, then you must make and follow a schedule that gives a significant amount of time to go to class and study.

  1. Improve Your Concentration

  As a good student, you will not necessarily study more than a poor student, but you will definitely use your study time more effectively.

  Learn to keep your attention focused on the task at hand-concentrate. When you are in class or ready to study, give it your full attention.

  And remember, how well you learn something, not how fast you learn it, is the critical factor in remembering. You must "get" something before you can "forget" it.

  2. Know What Study Means & How To Do It

  Learning takes more than just going to class and doing homework. It is really a four-part cycle:


  When you establish a learning-cycle routine you will be able to learn more in less time with less stress.

  5. Develop A Thinker's Vocabulary

  English is the richest language with the largest vocabulary on earth. Each of our words is a symbol that represents an idea or object. Your ability to understand the meaning of the words others use and to select the right one(s) to communicate your ideas, information, and feelings is very important to effective learning.

  To develop a thinker's vocabulary, you must become sensitive to words and develop strategies for unlocking the meanings of new words and a process for remembering the new words and their meanings.

  6. Become An Active Reader

Did you ever fall asleep while playing tennis or when watching your favorite television show?