三年级下册外研版《Module4 Unit1 Do you like meat》教学设计
三年级下册外研版《Module4 Unit1 Do you like meat》教学设计第2页

  (3)T:I didn't have breakfast this morning, and now I am hungry. (动作) I'd like to eat something. Great, I have some food here, guess, what are these? (从课件上出示单词)

  学习5个新单词:meat, rice, noodles,fish and milk.


  Step 2 Presentation

(1)Play a game 《what is this?》利用课件缓慢出示五种食物图片让生猜并读出对应的单词。

(2)火眼金睛《which word is missing?》利用课件让生说出消失的单词。

(3)Listen to the text and fill the table.

Name meat fish noodles milk Lingling Amy Tom Sam

  (4)listen and repeat

(5)Work in pairs. 利用所学新词操练本课句型。师板书此句型。

Eg: A:Do you like meat?

B:Yes ,I do or No ,I don't

Step 3 Practise

(1)Sing the song: Do you like meat?

  以儿歌《两只老虎》的旋律作为伴奏。歌词如下:Do you like meat? Do you like meat? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you like fish? Do you like fish? No, I don't. No, I don't.

  (2)Pair work 问同桌和好朋友喜欢并制成表格。