2019届外研版高中英语选修7精讲学案:Module 1 Basketball Word版含解析
2019届外研版高中英语选修7精讲学案:Module 1 Basketball Word版含解析第4页

  W: OK. There's a western film on at nine on Channel 2. Do you mind if we watch it? I'd really like to see it.

  M: Well,I really want to see the baseball game on Channel 6.

  W: Then I do hope they would be on at different time.

  M: Don't worry. Let's see if there's something more exciting.

  W: Oh, there is an American film on Channel 8, shown for the first time! The press has given it very good review! Shall we watch this together?

  M: But I want to see the baseball game.

  W: OK, it's up to you, then. But let's watch the news before it. I do wish we had another TV set.

  Text 9

  W: I heard you had spent so much time and money in collecting stamps.

  M: No,not so much,only in my spare time with fifty yuan on it a month.

  W: When did you begin collecting stamps?

  M: When I was six years old.

  W: Oh,you must have a big collection by now.

  M: Yes, besides those coming from my father, I have fifty albums of stamps.

  W: 50! Great! And I think you must be a millionaire now.

  M: Yes, but not a millionaire of money,but of spirit,from it I've learned a lot, seen many beautiful places and made a lot of friends and so on and so forth.

  W: What you've said makes me want to have a try. Is it too late for me to collect stamps now?

  M: No, not at all. "The latecomers surpass the old-times." Have you ever heard the saying?

  W: I do hope that's true.

  Text 10

  W: Hello,everybody. My name is Lucy Green,and I stand before all of you today in the hope that you will choose me to be your president. There are several reasons why I think I am fit for the position of president of the Students' Union. First of all, I have been given many leadership roles before, such as captain of the girls' volleyball team, editor of the school magazine, and secretary of the environmental club. So I know how to get along with different students and members. Secondly,I am a good listener. I am willing to listen to any problems and complaints, and then do what I can to solve them. Thirdly, if I am elected president, I am willing to give up all my other activities so that I can focus on my duties as president. I have been in the environmental club for three years now,but I am willing to give up the club if I get elected. In other words, I will put my heart into my duties if I am elected president, and I will not make you disappointed. Think wisely on the day of elections and vote for me. You will not regret it.

  答案:1-5 BACCA 6-10 BACAB

  11-15 ACCCB 16-20 ABBCA

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




  Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They say that there are several kinds of food that people should eat every day.They are:

(1) green and yellow vegetables of all kinds; (2) citrus(柑桔) fruits and tomatoes;