江西省萍乡市芦溪中学人教版高中英语必修四:Unit 2 第一课时 精读课 学案
江西省萍乡市芦溪中学人教版高中英语必修四:Unit 2 第一课时 精读课 学案第2页

  1) In groups, discuss the ways of farming in different areas and different times .

  2) What do you think would happen if tomorrow there were suddenly no rice to eat ?

  3) If you had the chance to do one thing to help end famine in the world ,what would you do?

  Task 2 Skimming: Skim the whole passage and match the main idea with each paragraph.

  Para1 A. Dr Yuan's dream

  Para2 B. Dr Yuan's personality

  Para3 C. Dr Yuan's biography

  Para4 D. Dr Yuan's appearance and his achievement

  Task 3 Scanning : Read the passage carefully and get some information about Yuan Longping.

  1) In what way does Yuan Longping look like a farmer ?

  2) What happened to Yuan long ping in 1974 according to the passage ?

  3) What has Yuan's life goal been since he graduated from college?

  4) What is Dr Yuan doing to increase their rich harvest?

  5) Why doesn't Dr Yuan care about being famous?

  6) What was his dream and what is his dream now ?

  Task 4 Careful reading and tell which sentence is true (T) or false (F).

  1)Yuan Longping , who was born in a rich family , graduated from Southwest Agricultural College . ( )

  2) Dr Yuan worked so hard in order to increase the output of rice, not to be famous . ( )

3) Dr Yuan not only helped China increase the output of rice, but also helped many other countries in the world increase their rice harvests. ( )

  4) Dr Yuan doesn't care about his fame , so he isn't satisfied with his life . ( )

  5) Dr Yuan has his dream and he also worked hard for realizing his dream. ( )

  Task 5 Comprehending

  1) Why did Yuan Longping want to increase the rice output when he was young?

  2) Is Dr Yuan more of a scientist or more of a farmer? Do you think he is a businessman?

  3) How would you describe Dr Yuan's personality? Use three or four adjectives.

  4) What do you think is the main reason for his success?

5) Dr Yuan thinks that a person with too much money has more rather than fewer troubles. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

6) Dr Yuan developed super hybrid rice to help Chinese farmers and hungry people around the world. Can you think of any other major development that would make a great difference to world hunger?

  Task 6: Discussion

  1) Even if Dr.Yuan's dreams come true, can this really solve starvation?

2) What can you learn from Dr Yuan Longping ?