50.patent:['peitənt] 专利;专利权
将来进行时The specialists will be assessing the patent of the new jet at this time tomorrow.
53.ancestor:['ænsistə] 祖宗,祖先
54.boundary:['baundri] 边界,分界线
现在完成时The canal has been the boundary between the two countries
55.barrier障碍,阻碍 现在完成进行时I have been wrestling with the language barrier
56.socket:['sɔkit] 插座;插口相似rocket ( )
57shaver:['ʃeivə] 电动剃须刀拆解:shave( )+r
She put the electric shaver into the socket.
58.carbon dioxide:['kɑ:bən] :[dai'ɔksaid] 二氧化碳
• dead + line deadline 到期限
• head+ line headline 见报段
• out + line outline 画轮廓
• under + line under line 是重点
60.hibernation音:[,haibə'neiʃən] 冬眠拆解:hiber+nation( )
61.update:[ʌp'deit] 更新 拆解:up date
将来完成时The specialist will have updated the database by the end of next week
63.download:['daunləud] 下载 拆解:
64.gave away赠送;分发泄露
65.present vt.赠送,呈献[(+to/with)] n.礼物,赠品[C] a. 出席的,在场的[F]
She gave away all her presents to the poor
66.invest:[in'vest] 投(资)[(+in)]
67. rescue:['reskju:] 援救;营救;挽救[(+from)]
将来完成时Many wild animals will have been rescued by the end of next year.
68. donate:['dəuneit] 捐献,捐赠[(+to)]
He will donate his organ after his death .
69.split:[split] 劈开;切开
70.fade:[feid] 变微弱;(光等)变暗淡;逐渐消失[(+away)]
The dot in the garments will have faded next week
71.spin:[spin] 旋转;
72. permit They are permitted to tell the sources of the souvenir
73.assist:[ə'sist] 帮助,协助[(+with/in)][O2]
现在完成进行时The programmer as well as the instructor has been assisting the participants