2018-2019学年度必修二Unit 1 Cultural relics-using language教案
2018-2019学年度必修二Unit 1 Cultural relics-using language教案第2页



           Protection of Cultural Relics

The 1990s was a period when China made the largest investment and achieved the most remarkable success in the protection of cultural relics. During that period, the special subsidies appropriated by the Central Government for the protection of cultural relics in more than 1,000 projects totaled about RMB 700 million yuan. As a result, a large number of cultural relics have been saved from destruction. Prominent successes have been achieved in the maintenance and protection of historical sites such as the Potala Palace (Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region), the Kumbum Monastery (Huangzhong County, Qinghai Province), the Kizil Thousand-Buddha Cave (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region), the Longmen Grottoes (Luoyang City, Henan Province), the Yungang Caves (Datong City, Shaanxi Province), the Mountain Summer Resort (Chengde City, Hebei Province), and the Thatched Cottage of Tang Poet Du Fu (Chengdu City, Sichuan Province), arousing great attention both at home and abroad.



  The protection of famous historical and cultural cities includes both the act of keeping the ancient buildings and historical sectors in their original state and the maintenance of the styles and features of the ancient cities. The ancient city of Lijiang in Yunan Province and the city of Pingyao in Shaanxi Province are two successful examples, which have been put on the UNESCO's World Cultural and Natural Heritage List.


The ancient villages in China are great in number and wide in distribution, which is rare in the world. Except for a few built during the Song and Yuan dynasties, most of the existing old villages date from the Ming and Qing periods. They are distributed in mountainous areas that have