免费下载教研课《Module9 Unit2 I feel happy》教学设计教案
免费下载教研课《Module9 Unit2 I feel happy》教学设计教案第2页

3. This is my friend.

4. This is my pet dog.

5. A picture about noodle soup.

  由五幅图画分别导出并板书重点单词tired, bored, happy, sad, hungry. 同时领读难点单词farm, won, lost, smell和引导学生理解短语help my grandfather, chess game, go out to play。

Step4 Practice

1、 操练单词understand-recognize

  Game a: I say you do

  Let the children understand the words about feelings.

  Game b: careless Miss wu

  Let the children recognize the words about feelings.


  Game c: Stick the pictures on the correct words.

2、 导出重点句型。

  在game c 基础上评价获胜的小队。(以加星升级的方式评价鼓励他们)老师趁机问该小组:How do you feel? Do you feel......?板书:I feel......

  3、 操练句子。

  a:利用幻灯片将学生带入五种情景中。引导学生运用句型I feel......描述自己的感觉。同桌互相描述自己的感觉。

  b:说唱儿歌I feel happy, very very happy. I feel sad, very very sad.......(通过男女分组读,同桌两人读。最后通过选最佳搭档来检测学生掌握情况。以奖励贴画的方式来鼓励他们)

  4、导入课文 a.听录音。 b.将单词写到相对应的图画旁。 c.学生跟读短文。

  Step6 Emotions education
