

cause concern about/for ...  引起对......的关注

express/show/feel concern about/for ... 对......表示关心/担心

①Andrew expressed his concern about violence on TV.



(1)concern sb./sth.     使某人担忧;与某事相关

be concerned about/for/over ... 为......担忧,为......忧虑

(2)concerned adj. 与......有牵连的;焦急的,担忧的

as far as sb. is concerned 在某人看来;就某人而言

as far as sth. is concerned 就某事而言

(3)concerning prep. 关于

②Many parents are concerned about/over/for their children's safety.


③As_far_as_I_am_concerned,_you have done your job much better for the lack of experience.


[语境串记] As far as I am concerned, educators should be concerned about the problem that is concerned with the healthy growth of children and concern themselves with/in the work of education actively.


7.(教材P42)circumstance n.环境,条件,情况(常用复数形式circumstances)

under/in no circumstances  无论如何都不......(位于句首时句子要部分倒装)

under/in the circumstances 在这种情况下,既然这样

in any circumstance(s) 在任何情况下

①I planned to leave the next day but under/in the circumstances I decided to stay another night.


②You should not give up your dream even if everybody goes far away from you.

→Under no circumstances should_you_give_up your dream even if everybody goes far away from you.


[联想发散] 表示"决不"且与under/in no circumstances用法类似的词组还有:in no case, at no time, by no means, in no way, on no account, on no condition等。

8.(教材P42)I vote we ...


vote vt.建议,提议vi.& vt.表决,投票n.投票,表决;选票;选举权

(1)vote for/against      投票赞成/反对

vote on sth. 就某事投票表决

vote to do sth. 投票/表决做某事

(2)have/take a vote on sth. 就某事投票表决

①I voted against the plan, while Mary voted for it.