2019-2020学年译林版高中英语优化教案:必修二 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语优化教案:必修二   Unit  1  Tales of the unexplained第3页

  18.regular /'regjʊlə/ adj. 定期的;有规律的

  19.light /laɪt/ n. 光;光线

  adj. 轻的;明亮的

  vt. 照亮;点燃

  vi. 点着;变亮;着火

  20.probably /'prɒbəblɪ/ adv. 大概;或许;很可能

  21.puzzle /'pʌz(ə)l/ n. 谜;难题

  22.rewarding /rɪ'wɔːdɪŋ/ adj. 有益的,值得的; 有报酬的

  23.crash /kræʃ/ n. 撞碎;坠毁

  vi. 坠落

  24.reflect /rɪ'flekt/ vt. 反映;反射,照出

   vi. 反射,映现

  25.environment /ɪn'vaɪrənm(ə)nt/ n. 自然环境

  26.existence/ɪg'zɪstəns/ n. 存在




  *1.step_up 加紧,加强,促进     *2.due_to 由于,因为

  *3.show_up 出现 *4.take_charge_of 负责,掌管

   5.make_up 编造;弥补;构成 *6.look_into 调查

   7.dozens_of 许多,很多 *8.belong_to 属于;是......一员

   9.make_one's_way_to前往,到......去  10.carry_out实现;完成;执行

   11.run_into 偶遇,无意中碰见  12.leave_out遗漏;省去;不考虑

   13.believe_in信任  14.be_based_on以......为基础

   15.be_enthusiastic_about对......热情  16.pick_up拾起;学会;用车接


  1.In the north of India, the population is booming due_to high birth rates. (2017·江苏高考任务型阅读)

  2.As I looked_into my car, I could not see inside the car, like all the windows were just black. (2018·上海一模)

  3.To their anger, when they were seated at the table, the host didn't show_up yet.

  4.Kevin took_charge_of the company while the manager was away.

5.According to the law, the larger house belongs_to Soc Page and her family.