公开课《Module10 Unit1 He was in the kichen》教学设计教案
公开课《Module10 Unit1 He was in the kichen》教学设计教案第4页

 father:Where did you find the bag? T: I found it in the living room.利用找礼物的情境练习句型Where did you find the bag? It was in the... I found it in the... 创设了圣诞老人去Sam的家藏礼物的情境把学生带入一个欢乐的英语世界,使学生自然地进入英语学习的环境中,使他们对新课充满兴趣。

4.part 1 课件出示图片及问题。听音选择。学习hide-and-seek.巩固词汇。


 5.课文 T:

 T: Amy, Lingling, Sam Tom and John . They're playing hide-and-seek, let's have a look and then tell me, Where did they hide OK?

 1. Watch the cartoon and understand the text. answer Where is Lingling? Where is Sam? Where is John? Where is Tom? 听录音回答问题。


3.Read in roles.然后老师与学生一起分角色朗读课文。让学生在上下文中理解培养学生的英语语感。

 4.游戏 小小配音师Make a conversation for cartoon. 出现课文中出现过的四个人物捉迷藏的场景,让孩子扮演配音员为图片配音。创设配音情意,让学生了解本课重点句型运用的语境,至此突破了教学的难点,为后续的语境运用及拓展这一重点环节做好准备。

(同桌练习。呈现人物藏在各个房间的cartoon用"where did you find..." "I found...in the ..."来为图配音。)