《Module8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat》教案教学设计
《Module8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat》教案教学设计第2页


让学生仔细观察文中的8副图片,看看他们正在干什么? 如何运用所学的语言知识用英语来进行描述. 1. 在学生展示图片内容的同时学习下列单词:

raincoat-wear a raincoat dress -wear a dress

wear-wearing -wore -wears

引导theatre -go to the theatre -- Xiangyun Theatre

集体识读以上词汇: 师领读, 优生领读, 小组内号对号互读,英汉互查

Practice the sentences; Why ... ? Because ...

T: In picture 4, Mum wants to go to theatre, so she is wearing a dress. ( 不同场合,不同的着装)